Monday, September 27, 2010

"Stick Figures..."

Not much to this post, just stick figures in various action poses.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Two for Tuesday"

Thought I would post two sketches this week. 

The first is just some random ideas in bubble form. The second was more bubbles and an idea for a stencil. One of my students calls himself Beast Nation and I thought it was funny and sketched a caricature of him with lettering...a work in progress.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

"A quiet Sunday and a great day to post"

Completed this batch of sketches while sitting around today trying out new ideas.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"A new day, a new scan"

Just finishing doing some scanning for this week and I thought I would add this scan.  It falls in line with previous afro-theme.  The sketch came as the result of talking with my oldest son about his fashion taste and just went downhill from there.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

"Afros and Frat Brothers..."

70's old school Ques

This sketch is the result of looking at some old 1970's photos of some of my fraternity (Omega Psi Phi) brothers.